Kamis, 08 April 2010


By Rugyinsun Al HAfizh

I want to give argue of examination. Examination is done to know the capability/competence of student. It’s usually doing in three days, or six days, or one day. But I don’t want to argue of that.
I think, it will be better if the capability/competence of student is defined from their capability in achieving the target of learning. I mean, student capable in sector what they are learned in a real life, not just in their school.
    Really, if I remember my experiences my school, SD, SMP, or SMK, I think those are not a real education. Because I just learn many thing in my school, I don’t know the real life. So, I just have much   knowledge, but I’m not capable in an real life.
I think is better if education divide at three kinds. They are, Moral Education, Receiving Knowledge, and Skill Education. Those are examined in different way. Moral Education is examined with give score of their behavior. Receiving Knowledge is examined with give them question. And Skill education is examined by factory. So, student really competent in real life.
    I think it’s better than give only question to student or practice exam, but just to give score in book score. I think student can’t do cheat in that exam, except the question examination.
To be continue…

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